Saturday, September 3, 2016

Football season is finally back. My Ducks had a good warm up game, taking on UC Davis and testing out several plays for the first time. Nice win, #GoDucks #WTD. Alabama is currently sweeping the field with poor, overly confident, USC players do that's also a great start to the season #Roll Tide Roll.

Moving on to what actually inspired this post - also linked to football. 49ers QB Kaepernick decided enough is enough in the police shooting unarmed/innocent/defenseless Black people and chose to sit out the national anthem this year. In a truly clueless reaction, local police themdecided to threaten a walk out on him. Theres also been a sprrad of reactions in the atmosphere. My first thought on the police response was that they must have forgotten one of the basic tenets of our society is you are free to speak your mind, you are free to protest, and you are free to do so without fear of retribution from your government. Yes, everyday folks who disagree with him are equally free to express themselves; police officers on the other hand are public servants who are employed to ensure safety in their jusrisdiction.

Abandoning core duties of your job because a guy doesn't want to pledge allegiance or pay respects during the national anthem, that's completely contrary to one of the reasons our nation came to be, as well as the beliefs held by the founding fathers and the original writers of our Constitution. Land of the free shouldn't have "free except...".