Monday, December 25, 2017

Obviously I'm not a natural born blogger

So I go about my life and do my general daily tasks and what not, then at then end of the day I'm ready to sleep. Nowhere in that time frame do I think about blogging. Go figure. When I first started this I thought I'd do a weekly post, with a few extras. Pretty sure I can go 12 months and not even think about it. 

I think part of it is because I've had a long running sleep problem and spend many days sort of tired. Part of it is I am involved in a few environmental and political groups, so down times are also not long. That involvement is definitely a good thing. Due to the shitshow administration running our nation, I'd be lost and or majorly depressed without those groups. They give me inspiration. They keep me hopeful. They keep me moving onward.

This month, I have worked on keeping contact with various senators and representatives on the national level regarding tax and healthcare legislation. Unless you are off grid, you have seen something about both of those pieces at some point. Yesterday, I was talking with some friends and we realized that despite the constant coverage, we aren't exactly sure what the hell the tax bill, aka #TaxScamBill, a) actually does for people earning less than the top 10% and b) did the student loan deduction and other SLAT deductions survive? Probably a small project for me tomorrow...after I drop off my car at the shop. 

My car, a 2016 hybrid sedan, has one thing I keep ruining: an underbumper low enough to hit the stupid rebar that stick out of concrete parking blocks - or whatever those things are actually called. I scoot too far forward and the rebar snags it and off it pops. Eventually it happens in a way that breaks it and I can no longer reattach it. This is the second time around. I buddied up this repair job with fixing a scratched zone on the rear passenger side. I also said screw saving money, and decided to spend the back pay from my union negotiated raise on swapping out the current ignition switch with the pushbutton style. Unions rock, and now I get to splurge, adulting style.

Ok, we'll see how long I go before the next blog - hope everyone is having a wonderfully happy holiday season!