Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Step forward, and don't you dare step back!

Today I saw the best summation of how I feel about the recent attack on LGBTQ folks through legislation in Arizona. It was a post by Rose McGowan on Facebook thanking someone using the call sign @yahav_paris99 who posted a picture of African Americans sitting at a counter in a restaurant sometime during the 1960'scivil rights movement.

The caption says "Dear Arizona, In case you missed it, we've already had this conversation. You don't get to decide who sits at the lunch counter. Love, America"

That's when it hit me. This is beyond outrageous. People using religion to promote hate, especially the current hate aimed at lesbians and gays and marriage, are failing Jesus. I double checked and either missed it, or, more likely, confirmed that no where in The Bible does it say hate gays, or anything of the sort. Jesus does say "...Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself." Mark 12:31

How is hating on someone for who they are loving them? How is getting up in arms about someone's sexual orientation got anything to do with anyone else? Where does Jesus say it's okay to bully, to look down on or otherwise do anything detrimental to someone because of who they love?

People who promote bigotry, prejudice, hate etc, in the name of God need to take a good look at themselves. Even when Jesus encountered people who were impure, he walked with them. He cared for and about them. He did not look down on them. No, he loved them.

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