Sunday, June 9, 2013

It's been a long time...

So it has apparently been some time since I blogged here. Blame Facebook ;) or the fact that my life is still totally affected by the loss of my father, even though the 2 year anniversary of his passing/my finding him is quickly approaching. 2013 started with a promise, followed by some scares.

The hybrid I bought suffered from failed brakes, and the local dealer (where ai bought the car) "repaired" the brakes. Less than a month later they failed,again, as I was driving west on Center. Figuring that since it was Friday after 5:00pm, I left the car off for about 15 minutes then turned it back on to drive home. Total clusterf*&$ as I headed over the Marion bridge and they failed. Fortunately, I was able to take a sharp right and get into the parking lot of the tent and awning shop. Got towed to the dealership...and a month later got my car back. Turns out my American part had to wait on parts from Japan. But since my brakes have functioned since then, I shouldn't complain too much.

Jumping back to 2012 for a moment, in May I was with a very close friend whe we found her husband on the floor. Of all things, it was also his birthday. Unfortunately he was gone, and his children went through similar things to what I went through the prior year when my father passed. I felt cursed for a moment, but then realized the one time you can totally count on me to remain calm and functional is when a crisis/tragedy occurs. From the guy that was killed in dad's parking spot to my grandfather's heart attack to finding people already gone, I can keep it together at that moment. It's later when I'm alone that I just let it all out, and usually feel better.

Summing up 2011 and 2012 losses, the thing that keeps me from totally drowning in sorrow is that both the men that passed were in health hell. They had suffered years of physical disabilities that affected their mental well being too. Letting go is hard, and I'm not sure that I completely have, but I am sure that I'm happy neither no longer suffer on a daily basis.

Total topic shift, and hopefully happier, work has been pretty much the same, though I am trying to figure out how to approach the upcoming bargaining session I will be involved in as my union president. Bummed that I missed out on this year's national union conference, in part because it's in Vegas and more so because I always pick up new information and at least one new friend. On the upside, I converted our union organizer to at least sometimes rooting for the Ducks. Considering he's from Riverside, I doubt I'll get him to be a Raider, but one at a time right?

I still date vicariously through my BFF, who really should write a book, then transform the book to a tv series (too many tales, even for a movie franchise). Her second military dude also turned out to suffer from PTSD. PTSD is a harsh disorder, and unless the person is properly treated and dealing, there really should be no dating. So out with him and in with the car sales dude. He presents well, but I worry that once her rose colored glasses clear up she will see how few of the items on her list he checks off. On that note, I do think it could go the other way and she could dump the list if he is the right guy. I just wonder because she puts a lot on the line, but often gives more than she gets, by a lot. We'll see. At least this one doesn't push my buttons by driving crazy or flipping through songs after 30 seconds.

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