Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Much ado about lots of things

Neighbor situation unchanged, no surprise there.

Moving situation has progressed.  We got the futon that was my bed in the apartment moved into the cottage study, and it now functions as the couch/guest bed it was meant to be :)  Dragging the futon mattress was an interesting experience.  People from at least 3 apartments at the complex saw me drag it from the 2nd floor down to the car and then the pretty funny 5 minute struggle getting it into the car. Glad I was there to provide folks with comic relief.  Getting the mattress into the cottage was much easier, drag 10 feet turn left and plop it on the frame.  That whole process was my workout session for the day and definitely counts!

I was rewarded afterwards - bff Lisa made blackberry cobbler from the berries we picked at the park the day before, that was delicious!! 

I am happy to note the 2 cats and dog are progressing rapidly.  All 3 were visible yesterday, generally in different rooms, but hey that's still progress.  Garth - big cat - has ventured into the back yard while I'm out with Yuki - medium dog - and as long as I'm out at the same time, I'm ok with that.  Jr - little kitty - likes to sit on the end of the runner at the back door and watch us.  I bet she'll go out at some point, just takes her longer to warm up to change. 

On a different topic, plans are forming on dealing with cottage repairs.  Lots to do, and lots of time so one task at a time and things will get done.  First up will be shifting a shelf in the laundry room from one wall to the other so the stacker washer/dryer can go against the south facing wall and stop hogging the little free space the laundry room has. Next will be instaling a shelf in the bathroom to add some much needed storage space.  I still need to find some decent towel racks, more shelves and a new medicine cabinet for the bathroom (did I mention there's lots to do)...

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